Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Being Home in You

When you feel you are in the state of deep peace, but still feel you must seek something, seek only your deepest joy, your own Spirit. You will find this by simply opening your heart. In the deep silent presence of your spirit, you will find your own freedom. Then you will know that there is nothing left to search for. You will know you are Home.

In Love and Light,

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Now Time

When a decision is made and no one argues over it, it must be a given that it is a good decision, yes? Can it also be that the decision is not questioned because no person has asked if it should be questioned? Those are obvious insights yes?
But what about hidden agendas within your own sights. Have you ever wondered why you question your decisions more than others'? Can it be that you have less faith in your own heart's joy than others' heart's joys?

In Love and Light,

Friday, September 11, 2009

Infinite Spirit and "dis-ease"

You are One with the Infinite. You are the Infinite Itself, so you are free and Home already. You are Home Itself. Dis-ease, or inner conflict is simply fighting with an illusion that you are separate and alone, which is impossible. Reaching outside of You, the Infinite, for connection with an illusion leaves you feeling more "disconnected" as you engage more with the illusion. Your shadow is not You. This is all you need remember to Be Home.

In Love and Light,

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Artist and the art

Your body and mind are not YOU. Your body is simply the tool, the paint brush, and your mind the thought-energy, or colorful paint, which YOU, the Artist use to create Your masterpiece on the canvas of this world. The paint brush does not choose which paint or color to use. The Artist chooses. The paint does not choose what to paint. The Artist does. The Artist chooses what brush stroke to use, what color, tint, hue and combination of colors to use because it has the whole masterpiece already planned in It's Infinite Imagination.
Your mind and body are just tools for the creative expression of your spirit, the Artist.

In Love and Light,

Trusting your heart

Following your heart is trusting your true Self, your own infinite spirit, which is trusting the One Infinite Spirit because your infinite spirit and the One Infinite Spirit are ONE and the same.

In Love and Light,